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Ambiguity & Contradiction A Contractual Pandemic

In today's world, where the precision of legal language is paramount, we are witnessing a veritable pandemic of ambiguity sweeping through municipal contracts. This troubling trend in legal documentation is not just an academic matter; it poses severe, often detrimental consequences for all parties involved, particularly governmental organizations. Through my extensive analysis of literally hundreds of publicly facing municipal contracts, I have personally observed this growing trend. It resembles a virulent strain affecting the very core of legal exchanges. Contracts, which are the bedrock of legal interactions, seem to be evolving—unfortunately, not always in a beneficial direction. 

Each week seems to bring news of another contractual scandal within the government. In times when the reliability and security of a solid contract are most needed, municipalities often find themselves ensnared by agreements that are substandard and fraught with ambiguity. The stories of procurement mismanagement in government contracts are all too common, illustrating the critical need for clarity and the hazards of ambiguity. This is not merely a ripple in the legal community but a tidal wave of confusion that could have lasting repercussions. 



Today's contractual agreements are increasingly plagued by systemic ambiguity, transforming interpretation into a Herculean endeavor. This issue is particularly pressing for government agencies, which frequently find themselves ensnared in legal disputes over contracts marred by poor construction. It is becoming where we see things are not getting done, which makes one wonder is this partially due to staff are afraid to end up in a hornets nest of litigation over a project that went off the rails and no solid contract to shield them. 

Contracts need to be clear. Ideally, they should not have any ambiguity as to their terms or conditions. For one reason or another, people often struggle with the rights and responsibilities laid out in a contract. Everyone involved should be aware of what they’re entitled to and what they’re expected to do. Don’t make assumptions. You can never know you’ll be able to reach an agreement about what work should be done. Put it all down in writing, not handshakes. 

In the arena of legal contracts, clarity and precision are critical. Lawyers, trained in the nuances of legal language, often navigate through complex legal jargon and contractual frameworks with ease. This legal-speak, while efficient for the trained eye, harbors its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to detecting ambiguity. Ambiguity in legal documents can lead to disputes, protracted litigation, and unintended outcomes, making its identification and resolution a critical skill in legal practice. However, despite rigorous training, lawyers without a strong academic grasp of the English language itself may find detecting such ambiguities particularly challenging. Lets look at a few examples from one such contract. 

In this specific example below of unclear language can be seen in a school year contract's section about ending the agreement early. This part of the contract shows how vague terms can lead to big problems: 

·         Original Clause: "The term of this agreement is for the 2021/2022 school year; however, the agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties hereto and may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other of its intention to do so. In the event this agreement is terminated, the cost shall be prorated on the basis on one tenth per month of the remainder of the actual agreed services performed hereunder."

·         Problem: The contract does not clearly explain how costs should be calculated if the agreement is ended early. The term "prorated on the basis on one tenth per month of the remainder of the actual agreed services performed hereunder" is not clear, leaving room for different interpretations.

·         What This Could Lead To: Such unclear terms could cause disagreements between the parties involved over how much money should be paid if the contract ends before the school year is over. This could potentially lead to legal challenges and financial disputes.


This is another example of ambiguity stemming from something as simple as a grammatical error.

Ambiguity in Dispute Resolution:

·         Original Clause: "With respect to any breach or dispute arising under this Agreement, the Parties shall meet and attempt, in good faith and using their best and reasonable efforts, to resolve may be amended at any time by the same. If such breach or dispute is not resolved by the Parties, then the Parties shall meet and attempt to agree on an appropriate mode of resolving the dispute or breach, e.g., arbitration, mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution."

·         Core Issue: The clause suffers from a disturbingly lax construction, notably in its baffling suggestion that the method to resolve disputes 'may be amended at any time by the same.' This phrase is not only a grammatical travesty but a clear dereliction of duty in providing explicit guidance on how disputes should be managed. It leaves open-ended the vital procedures necessary for resolving conflicts, essentially ensuring that any resolution process could be as malleable and unpredictable as a weather vane in a storm.

·         Consequences: This type of linguistic negligence invites chaos and protracted legal skirmishes, undermining the very purpose of a dispute resolution clause. It threatens the seamless execution of contracts and exposes governmental entities to unnecessary legal peril and inefficiency.

Such contractual formulations are not merely inadequate; they are a veritable invitation to discord and dysfunction, calling into question the competence with which these agreements are drafted. It is a testament to the urgent need for a dramatic overhaul in the clarity and precision of municipal contract language.


Legal language is a specialized form of communication that employs a vast repertoire of terms, phrases, and constructs unique to the legal profession. This language includes boilerplate terminology—standard, tried-and-tested phrases used across countless documents to ensure consistency and legal efficacy. While this practice streamlines contract drafting and fortifies legal intent, it also presents a double-edged sword. Boilerplate language, when modified even slightly, can introduce ambiguity into a contract, potentially altering its interpretation and execution in significant ways.


Countries like Australia, The UK, Sweeden and Canada to name a few, have a low tolerance for ambiguity in contracts sharing a preference for clear, explicit, and detailed legal documents.

The detection of ambiguity requires more than just a deep understanding of legal principles; it demands a strong command of the language and its nuances. Linguistic proficiency enables lawyers to discern subtle differences in meaning, syntax, and context—differences that might elude those who focus solely on legal terminology without appreciating the broader linguistic landscape. This skill is crucial when reviewing or drafting contracts, as the precision of language directly impacts the enforceability and interpretation of legal agreements.

Consider the following clause in a contract: "The lessee shall use the leased premises exclusively for commercial purposes, which may include retail, office, or any other business activity approved by the lessor."

At first glance, this clause appears straightforward, specifying the use of the premises for commercial activities. However, ambiguity arises from the phrase "or any other business activity approved by the lessor." This could be interpreted in several ways:

  • Does it mean the lessee can engage in any business activity, as long as it is approved by the lessor?

  • Or is the scope of permissible activities limited to those similar to retail and office, with the lessor's approval being an additional requirement?

This ambiguity could lead to disputes between the two parties regarding the range of permissible activities. In this example, a lessee might believe they can pursue any commercial venture subject to lessor's approval, while the lessor might argue that only activities akin to retail or office are allowable, contingent on approval.

Ambiguity in contracts introduces excessive interpretative flexibility. When terms lack clear definitions or when language is ensnared in what some might deride as "legal word salad," the door is opened wide for disputes. These aren't minor disagreements over semantics; they often escalate into high-stakes conflicts resulting in significant financial and reputational harm.


Far too often it seems government agencies repeatedly find themselves embroiled in controversies over contracts gone awry, whether due to the contract's language or vendor performance issues, with ambiguity frequently at the heart of these disputes. The resultant lack of clear language affords the various branches of government little in the way of recourse, trapping them in a dilemma with few favorable outcomes.

This gravitation towards ambiguity is not merely a byproduct of inadequate drafting but reflects a more profound issue within the legal profession and the perception of contracts. Some contend that and I wonder if contracts have increasingly become vehicles for showcasing unique drafting styles rather than facilitating clear, mutual understanding. Perhaps too much reliance on automation and boilerplates.

As we witness the continuation of this trend towards ambiguity, it's imperative for those involved in the drafting and interpretation of contracts to reflect on the impact of their words.

Strategen Analytics is leading the charge against this backdrop of contractual ambiguity, armed with cutting-edge contract analytics. This AI-powered tool is specifically designed to confront ambiguity head-on, identifying and providing explanation to ambiguous language within contracts. This revolutionizes the contract review process, rendering it accessible to all parties, regardless of their legal expertise.

The advantages of employing Strategen Analytics are significant, offering a dramatic reduction in review times, substantial savings on legal fees, and an enhancement in productivity and employee engagement. For government agencies, this translates into more efficient project completions, fewer disputes, and a reinvigorated focus on serving their constituents effectively.

Strategen Analytics democratizes the contract review process by stripping away complexity, paving the way for clearer, more effective legal agreements. As contracts continue to evolve, the adoption of such technology could mark a pivotal shift towards eradicating ambiguity and fostering a culture of clarity and mutual understanding within legal documents.

In the complex domain of municipal procurement, professionals face a myriad of challenges. The convoluted language of contracts and the looming threat of disputes arising from ambiguities render each step fraught with risk. Amidst ever shrinking budgets and elevated demands of do more with less, the challenge municipalities face seems insurmountable. Yet, the technology of Strategen Analytics cuts through this complexity with unparalleled precision and clarity, much like untangling a beachball sized knot of holiday lights. Strategen Analytics not only accelerates the contract review process but also injects a level of simplicity and intelligence to transform the daunting task of managing contracts into a manageable endeavor.

By safely harnessing AI and plain language analytics, like the transformative impact of PMI certification in project management, Strategen Analytics doesn't merely introduce new technology; it redefines the approach to contract analysis. This shift towards strategic, informed practices is not only crucial but necessitates a skillful application of these advanced tools for true efficacy.

I am left wondering if ambiguity has become what it has due to that to the untrained eye, can slip by undetected. Detecting ambiguity in legal contracts is a nuanced task that requires a delicate balance between legal expertise and linguistic acuity. Lawyers must not only be versed in the lexicon of law but also possess a keen understanding of the English language and its subtleties. The challenge lies not just in the complexity of legal terminology but in ensuring that every word, phrase, and clause serves its intended purpose without leaving room for misinterpretation. As legal documents continue to evolve in complexity, the ability to identify and resolve ambiguity will remain a cornerstone of effective legal practice.

Clarity and Precision

The emergence of ambiguity in legal contracts signifies a pressing challenge within the legal domain, one that necessitates a concerted effort towards clarity and precision. The advent of technologies like Strategen Analytics heralds a new era in contract analysis, offering a beacon of hope in navigating the murky waters of contractual ambiguity. This tool not only exemplifies the potential of AI in enhancing legal practices but also underscores the importance of linguistic proficiency and legal acumen in ensuring the integrity and clarity of contractual agreements.

As we move forward, it is incumbent upon legal professionals, government agencies, and all stakeholders to embrace these advancements and foster a culture of transparency and understanding in contractual engagements. The path towards eliminating ambiguity in contracts is complex and fraught with challenges, yet with the right tools and a commitment to clear communication, it is a goal within reach.

Let us not underestimate the significance of this endeavor. Clear, unambiguous contracts are the bedrock of fair and efficient legal exchanges, essential for the smooth functioning of society and the economy at large. In embracing solutions like Strategen Analytics, we take a crucial step towards a future where legal disputes are minimized, and mutual understanding prevails. Together, we can transform the landscape of legal contracts, ensuring that they serve their purpose as instruments of clarity and mutual benefit, rather than sources of contention and confusion.

The journey towards this future may be long, but it is undoubtedly worthwhile. By prioritizing clarity and precision in our legal documents, we safeguard the interests of all parties involved and uphold the principles of justice and fairness that underpin our legal system. Let us all commit to this vital mission, for the betterment of our legal practices and the society we serve.

If this sounds like an insurmountable task, let Strategen Analytics help you level the playing field by tackling the ambiguity and streamline your contract review process.

Contractual Contradiction

Contracts are fundamental in establishing clear terms and conditions between parties in various transactions and agreements. However, within these legal documents, contradictions can arise, creating confusion and potential conflicts. Contractual contradictions, much like ambiguities, can have serious consequences for both clients and vendors. This paper delves into the intricacies of contractual contradictions, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive focus on the contract in its entirety to avoid detrimental outcomes.

Understanding Contractual Contradictions

A contractual contradiction occurs when two or more clauses within the same contract provide conflicting information or directives. These inconsistencies can lead to disputes about the interpretation of the contract, resulting in legal battles, financial losses, and damaged relationships between the parties involved. For instance, a contract might specify different delivery dates for the same product in separate sections, leading to confusion about the actual deadline.

Causes of Contractual Contradictions

Several factors contribute to the presence of contradictions in contracts:

  1. Complexity and Length: Longer and more complex contracts increase the likelihood of contradictions, as it becomes challenging to maintain consistency throughout the document.

  2. Multiple Authors: When multiple individuals or teams draft different sections of a contract without thorough coordination, inconsistencies are more likely to arise.

  3. Frequent Revisions: Contracts that undergo numerous revisions without comprehensive reviews can end up with conflicting clauses, especially if earlier versions are not adequately reconciled with later changes.

  4. Lack of Standardization: Without standardized templates and clear guidelines, the drafting process can lead to varied interpretations and conflicting clauses.

The Consequences of Contractual Contradictions

Contractual contradictions can have far-reaching implications, including:

  1. Legal Disputes: Contradictions can result in legal disputes as parties may interpret conflicting clauses differently. Resolving these disputes often requires court intervention, leading to costly and time-consuming litigation.

  2. Financial Losses: Both clients and vendors can incur financial losses due to delays, additional costs, or penalties arising from contradictory terms. For example, if delivery dates are inconsistent, a vendor might face penalties for late delivery, while the client could suffer from operational disruptions.

  3. Damage to Relationships: Trust is crucial in business relationships. Contractual contradictions can erode trust, leading to strained relationships and a reluctance to engage in future collaborations.

  4. Operational Inefficiencies: Conflicting terms can cause operational inefficiencies as parties struggle to determine which clauses to follow. This can lead to delays, miscommunications, and suboptimal performance.

Preventing Contractual Contradictions

Preventing contradictions requires a meticulous approach to contract drafting and review:

  1. Comprehensive Review: A thorough review of the entire contract by legal experts is essential to identify and resolve contradictions before the contract is finalized.

  2. Clear Communication: Ensuring clear and consistent communication among all parties involved in drafting the contract helps maintain coherence and avoid conflicting terms.

  3. Standardized Templates: Using standardized contract templates and adhering to established guidelines can reduce the risk of inconsistencies. This only works if the templates are current and accurate – usually does well in an ISO environment.

  4. Regular Updates: Keeping contracts up-to-date with current laws and best practices helps maintain consistency and relevance.

  5. Integrated Drafting Tools: Utilizing integrated drafting tools and software can assist in identifying potential contradictions and ensuring uniformity across the document.

Contractual contradictions, like ambiguities, pose significant risks to the successful execution of agreements between clients and vendors. By understanding the intricacies of these contradictions and adopting a diligent approach to contract drafting and review, parties can minimize the risk of conflicts and ensure that their contracts are clear, consistent, and enforceable. The consequences of overlooking these contradictions can be severe, underscoring the need for a keen focus on the contract in its entirety.

Provided here are some actual examples of contractual contradiction, from a more common sized contract, and secondly, a much larger contract spanning almost 200 pages.

Missing contradictions or competing clauses in lengthy contracts often stems from the natural limitations of human attention and the practical realities of a lawyer's daily responsibilities. Contracts spanning over 60 and 70 pages are not only dense with intricate legal terms and stipulations but also require sustained, detailed focus to ensure consistency and coherence throughout the document. This level of attentiveness is challenging to maintain, particularly when lawyers are tasked with handling multiple cases at once.

From a humanistic perspective, it's essential to recognize that lawyers, while highly skilled and committed, are not impervious to the effects of fatigue and cognitive overload. Each contract demands a thorough understanding and meticulous scrutiny, but the vast amount of information can sometimes lead to oversight. The truth is that maintaining an unbroken focus on every single clause of a voluminous contract is an arduous task, compounded by tight deadlines and the expectation to juggle various other legal duties.

Lawyers often employ a blend of detailed manual review and assistance from legal aides or technological tools to manage and cross-reference large quantities of data. However, the possibility of human error persists. Therefore, contradictions and competing clauses might go unnoticed, not due to a lack of expertise or diligence, but as a result of the human elements of legal practice — where the ability to detect every inconsistency is always at odds with human limits and the complex nature of legal work.



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