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A Case for AI-driven Tools in Legal Analysis

In today’s fast-paced business environment, legal contracts form the backbone of many transactions and partnerships. However, contract review often remains a time-consuming and tedious task, primarily handled by lawyers who pore over documents to identify potential risks or ambiguities. With advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, a new paradigm is emerging: automated contract review tools. These software solutions can scan contracts for ambiguities, legal jargon, passive language, and problematic clauses in a fraction of the time it takes a human lawyer. This article delves into why such tools are not just advantageous but essential for modern-day contract management. In the midst of GE retooling their legal departments to be plain language compliant, they shared one example of when they reworded a clause to read: During the contract term, we will comply with all of our legal obligations.

One sentence containing 13 very understandable words. The previous iteration of that clause consisted of five distinct subsections, nine sentences, 417 words, and a reference to the president of the United States.

Speed and Efficiency One of the most significant advantages of automated contract review tools is speed. Traditional contract review by a legal expert can take several hours or even days, especially for complex agreements. On the other hand, AI-driven tools can scan and analyze a contract within minutes. In the fast-paced world of business, saving time can often mean saving money and seizing opportunities that would otherwise be lost.

Consistency and Reduced Human Error Even the most skilled lawyers are not immune to human error, especially when performing highly repetitive tasks like contract review. Fatigue, distraction, and cognitive biases can result in oversights. Automated tools, however, bring a level of consistency and objectivity that is hard to match. They do not suffer from fatigue or waning concentration, ensuring that the 100th contract reviewed will be as thoroughly scanned as the first.

Identification of Complex Issues Legal jargon, passive language, and ambiguities can easily slip past even experienced lawyers. Automated contract review tools are programmed to identify these specific elements. The software can flag legal jargon that may obfuscate meaning or highlight passive language that makes responsibilities unclear. By doing so, these tools help in the creation or modification of contracts that are easier to understand and execute.

Cost-Effectiveness While the initial investment in a sophisticated contract review tool can be significant, the long-term savings are considerable. Businesses often incur substantial costs in legal fees for contract review. Automated tools can dramatically reduce these costs by minimizing the hours lawyers need to spend on initial reviews.

Risk Mitigation The consequences of missing a ‘gotcha’ clause in a contract can range from financial penalties to damaged business relationships and reputational harm. Automated contract review tools offer an additional layer of risk mitigation by providing an objective and consistent scan of all contracts, flagging potentially problematic clauses that might otherwise be overlooked.

Facilitating Lawyer’s Work While AI tools offer numerous advantages, they are not a replacement for human expertise. Instead, they act as a complementary service. By handling the preliminary review, the software allows lawyers to focus on more complex, nuanced aspects of the contract, such as negotiation strategies or implications that require a deep understanding of the law and business context.

The Importance of Plain-Language Contract Summaries:

Another less-discussed but equally vital feature is the ability of these tools to translate complex legal jargon into plain, easily understandable language. This function serves not just to simplify the reading process but to fundamentally change the way contracts are used, understood, and executed. Below, we delve into why a tool that provides plain-language contract summaries can significantly enhance collaboration and ensure that the contract aligns closely with the intent of both parties involved.

Facilitating Collaboration Contracts are not just the purview of lawyers or high-level executives; they often involve multiple departments, from finance and operations to marketing and human resources. When a contract is written in dense legal language, it restricts the understanding and contributions of professionals who are not well-versed in legal terms. A tool that can translate a contract into plain language broadens the scope of collaboration. Team members from various departments can understand the obligations, requirements, and benefits outlined in the contract, thereby bringing in a more well-rounded perspective.

Clarifying Intent and Scope Contracts are drafted to formalize an agreement, outlining the responsibilities and expectations of both parties. However, poorly constructed contracts rife with ambiguities and complicated jargon can result in misunderstandings, leading to disputes or even legal actions. A contract should aim to mirror the client’s intent as closely as possible, eliminating any room for interpretation that could deviate from the original purpose. Automated tools that can translate complex terms into plain language help in this regard by making it abundantly clear what is being agreed upon.

Avoiding “Lost in Translation” Scenarios When contracts are full of legal complexities, there’s a risk that the true essence or intent behind specific clauses might be “lost in translation.” The use of plain language combats this risk effectively. By distilling intricate legal terms and clauses into straightforward language, these tools ensure that the spirit and letter of the agreement are in complete alignment. This lack of ambiguity protects both parties and ensures a smoother execution of the contract’s terms.

Legal Certainty and Compliance Contrary to popular belief, plain language does not make a contract any less binding or legally robust. In fact, the clarity can enhance legal certainty. By ensuring everyone understands the contract’s terms and consequences, it’s easier to achieve compliance, thereby reducing the likelihood of disputes that could lead to litigation.

Enhancing Transparency and Trust When both parties fully understand the contract they are entering into, it creates an environment of transparency. There’s no concern that one party is trying to “pull a fast one” with tricky language or hidden clauses. This transparency fosters trust, which is the bedrock of any successful business relationship.

The Paradox of Legal Complexity:

Why Plain Language Can Prevail Over ‘Alphabet Soup’ The contract negotiation process can often resemble an intricate dance between lawyers from opposing sides, each striving to protect their client’s interests with complex legal jargon. While traditional in the legal world, this ritual often leaves the actual clients — the parties to the contract — mystified and disconnected from what is being agreed upon. This article aims to shed light on the counterproductive nature of this complexity and how embracing plain language can rectify many of these issues.

The Traditional Tug-of-War: In a typical contract negotiation scenario, we see this happen far too often:, one side’s lawyer drafts a complex legal passage sent to the opposing counsel. The opposing lawyer, aiming to match or beat the complexity, revises the document and responds with another equally complex version. This can result in a ‘battle of wills,’ with both sides striving to craft the “perfect” paragraph of what has been termed ‘alphabet soup.’ The complexity often makes it challenging to decipher the intent, even for fresh legal eyes.

The Client’s Detachment: Clients, who should be central to the process often relegated to the sidelines. Lawyers may lack the time or the inclination to explain these intricate negotiations, which can lead to significant disconnects. The client may not even recognize the contract from this tug-of-war as reflecting their initial intentions or understanding.

The Interpretation Paradox: The paradox lies in the need for an ‘interpretation’ of these complex contracts. Legal jargon is meant to provide precision, but its complexity often creates ambiguity instead. Each party might interpret the language differently, which defeats the purpose of a contract as a clear, binding agreement. The need to ‘interpret’ suggests that the contract has failed in its most fundamental task: to provide an unambiguous framework for action that both parties can understand and abide by.

The Plain Language Alternative: In contrast, contracts drafted in plain language are inherently easier to understand, leaving little room for interpretation. They allow for immediate comprehension, not only by the lawyers involved but also by the clients and other stakeholders. Using clear and straightforward language doesn’t dilute the legal enforceability of a contract; rather, it enhances clarity and compliance. It ensures that both parties are genuinely ‘on the same page,’ thereby reducing the potential for disputes.

Benefits of Automated Tools: Automated contract review tools can be incredibly helpful in this context. These tools can quickly identify complex language and suggest plain-language alternatives. They allow both lawyers and clients to focus on the contract’s intent rather than getting lost in its wording. As a result, the final agreement is more likely to be a true reflection of what both parties seek to accomplish.

Automated contract review tools are revolutionizing the way businesses approach contract management. By offering a fast, consistent, and detailed preliminary review, these tools save time and money, reduce risks, and enhance the quality of contracts. As machine learning algorithms continue to improve, these tools will likely become even more sophisticated, further solidifying their place as an invaluable resource in legal and business settings. Automated contract review tools are indispensable in efficiency, consistency, and risk management. However, their ability to translate complex legal contracts into plain language amplifies their utility significantly. This feature fosters a more collaborative environment, ensures alignment with the client’s intent, enhances legal certainty, and builds stronger, more transparent business relationships. In the evolving landscape of contract management, adopting such tools is not just beneficial—it’s essential for any entity that aims to navigate its contractual obligations effectively and fairly. The traditional ‘battle of wills’ between lawyers, with its focus on complex language and intricate clauses, often serves to obscure rather than clarify the intent of a contract. This complexity can lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and strained relationships between business partners. A shift toward plain language, facilitated by modern automated contract review tools, offers a more transparent, collaborative, and effective approach to contract management. In the end, clarity benefits everyone involved, enhancing compliance and ensuring that the contract serves its fundamental purpose.

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